Amelia “Fiera” Duran
Executive Director,
Garage Cultural
Born, raised, and still residing in Southwest Detroit, Amelia has actively sought to create positive social and cultural impacts in her community over the last 24 years as a community developer, organizer, curator, mixed-medium contemporary installation artist and writer. Rooted in popular education models that uplift intergenerational and non-hierarchical learning, she uses them as tools to develop outlets for creative self-expressions based on her experiences growing up in an urban context. Seeking to encourage others to collectively challenge current socio-political norms, hierarchies, and oppressive structures that keep much of our communities disenfranchised. She currently serves as the Executive Director of Garage Cultural, a multi-faceted community development center that uplifts social justice values through resident-led arts and cultural production.
Breakout Panelist: Making Place for Makers